Articles 125
Title: AQM and Wireless QoS
Speaker: Ikjun Yeom (KAIST)
Date: 10. 26 (Fri) 4pm

In this talk, I present two recent researches on AQM (Active Queue Management) and wireless QoS. In the first part, I propose a new AQM scheme for reducing queue oscillation. Internet traffic is highly dynamic, and it is observed that queues in network routers oscillate due to the changes in network traffic over time. To reduce this oscillation, it is important to estimate the future traffic so that we can maintain the arrival rate at the departure rate. In this talk, I present how to estimate the amount of the future traffic accurately and determine the drop probability based on the estimation.
In the second part, I propose a framework for Assured Forwarding (AF) service in multi-hop wireless networks. Most current schemes for service differentiation in multi-hop wireless networks attempt to manipulate the contention window or inter-frame space to provide delay differentiation. However, those schemes are not adequate for AF service since delay differentiation may cause head of link blocking or out of order delivery. To provide forwarding assurance differentiation, the proposed framework consists of three components: a channel allocation scheme, a local queue management scheme, and a link-level forwarding assurance scheme. In this talk, I present the design and the performance of the framework.

Ikjun Yeom received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea in Feb. 1995, and the M.S. and Ph. D degrees in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University in August 1998 and May 2001. He worked at DACOM co. from 1995 to 1996, and Nortel Networks in 2000. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at KAIST since 2002. His research interests are in AQM, congestion control, TCP, and wireless networks.
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List of Articles
No. Subject Date Views
45 Prof. Lee received the Best Paper Award in the ICOIN'2008. (01/2008) Mar 10, 2008 48521
44 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2009. (03/2008) Mar 02, 2008 31438
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36 W. Lee and J. Kim won the grand prize at the 3rd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2007) Oct 17, 2007 25994
35 D. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE Communications Letters. (10/2007) Oct 09, 2007 26513
34 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2008. (09/2007) Sep 12, 2007 26163
33 [invited seminar] Prof. Dongsoo Kim (Indiana U)'s talk (07/23/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26555
32 [invited seminar] Dr. Prasant Mohapatra (UC Davis)'s talk (07/21/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26219
31 Prof. Lee will serve as Publicity Chair in ICOIN'2008. (06/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26251
30 Our NetLab is awarded "KOSEF Grant" for term 2007 - 2010. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26172
29 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2008. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26363
28 K. Kim's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICCCN'2007. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 25916
27 Prof. Lee will serve as General Chair in CoNET'2007. (04/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26174
26 J. Kim and J. Choi won the grand prize at the 2nd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2006) Jul 30, 2007 26243