Articles 125
Title: History-Based Collision Resolution of CSMA/CA

Speaker: Dongsoo Stephen Kim (Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indianapolis)

Supporting random access channels, the medium access control (MAC) protocol plays a critical role to the quality of communication channels. The MAC protocol in wireless local area networks (WLAN) and mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) mainly relies on distributed coordination among mobile stations based on carrier sensing and prioritized inter-frame spacing times. This talk will introduce a novel decision-making scheme of the contention window in wireless communications. The proposed mechanism overcomes the rigidness of existing methods, preventing the useless fluctuation of contention windows, especially when a collision domain contains a large number of competing nodes and a channel noise is non-trivial. The method, namely H-DCF, adjusts the contention windows adaptively and gradually to reflect the current channel state among contending mobile stations. In the paper, we mathematically induces the network performance of the proposed method, which is supported by the extensive study of network simulation. Both analytical and empirical studies show that the method provides considerable benefits in terms of channel throughputs and packet delay.

Short Biography:
Dongsoo S. Kim is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Indiana Univ. Purdue Univ. Indianapolis.  His research interests includes: mobility modeling, communication networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, switching networks, quality-of-service of data networks, network capacity planning, real-time operating systems.
Dr. Kim is serving as a director of Center for Sensor and Ad Hoc Network at Indiana University, which was initiated as a hub of central Indiana for multi-disciplinary research in wireless communication networks (
He is also serving the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea (IEEK), Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology (JUCT) as a Co-Editor-in-Chief.
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No. Subject Date Views
45 Prof. Lee received the Best Paper Award in the ICOIN'2008. (01/2008) Mar 10, 2008 48521
44 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2009. (03/2008) Mar 02, 2008 31438
43 K. Kong's paper has been accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. (01/2008) Jan 26, 2008 30206
42 Recruiting Contract Professors and Post-Doctors (supported by BK21) Jan 22, 2008 26307
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37 [invited seminar] Prof. Yeom, Ikjun (KAIST)'s talk (10/26/2007) Oct 31, 2007 25990
36 W. Lee and J. Kim won the grand prize at the 3rd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2007) Oct 17, 2007 25994
35 D. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE Communications Letters. (10/2007) Oct 09, 2007 26513
34 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2008. (09/2007) Sep 12, 2007 26163
» [invited seminar] Prof. Dongsoo Kim (Indiana U)'s talk (07/23/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26555
32 [invited seminar] Dr. Prasant Mohapatra (UC Davis)'s talk (07/21/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26219
31 Prof. Lee will serve as Publicity Chair in ICOIN'2008. (06/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26251
30 Our NetLab is awarded "KOSEF Grant" for term 2007 - 2010. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26172
29 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2008. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26363
28 K. Kim's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICCCN'2007. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 25916
27 Prof. Lee will serve as General Chair in CoNET'2007. (04/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26174
26 J. Kim and J. Choi won the grand prize at the 2nd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2006) Jul 30, 2007 26243