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= 모바일솔루션 학과 (Center for Advanced Mobile Solutions) =

■ 혜택사항
등록금 전액 및 학비 보조금 지급
학위 취득 후 삼성전자 정보통신총괄 입사

■ 지원자격
  - 병 역: 석사과정-병역필,
              박사과정/석박통합과정-병역필 또는 C/W 기간 중 전문연구요원 T/O획득 조건
  - 학 점: 성적 3.3/4.5 이상
  - 외국어: TOEIC 730점 이상, OPIc NH급 이상

■ 2009년도 1학기 신입생 모집일정
Step  1. 삼성 입사지원서 마감 및 지도교수 개별면담 후 학과사무실을 통한 원서제출: 2008.9.15
Step  2. SSAT 응시: 2008.9.28 (일)
Step  3. 고려대 입시원서 제출: 2008.10.10
Step  4. 삼성전자 채용면접: 10월 말경
Step  5. 고려대 입시면접: 11월 10일

- 9월15일까지 모바일솔루션학과 참여교수인 이원준 교수님(wlee AT께 컨택하여 면담 및 지원 의사를 전달하고
  지원서를 작성하셔야 합니다.

For more information, please click following URL.

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List of Articles
No. Subject Date Views
65 [invited seminar] Dr. Kyungtae Kang (UIUC)'s talk (05/04/2010) May 11, 2010 28560
64 [invited seminar] Dr. Kyunghan Lee (KAIST)'s talk (03/31/2010) Apr 07, 2010 27554
63 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2011. (03/2010) Mar 03, 2010 28783
62 W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICDCS'2010. (02/2010) Feb 10, 2010 26742
61 J. Yu won the Bronze prize at the 16th Samsung Humantech Thesis Prize. (02/2010) Feb 09, 2010 26233
60 [invited seminar] Prof. Hyuk Lim (GIST)'s talk (11/26/2009) Dec 10, 2009 26380
59 J. Yu's paper has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM'2010. (11/2009) Nov 23, 2009 36903
58 [invited seminar] Prof. Ding-Zhu Du (UT Dallas)'s distinguished lecture (08/13/2009) Aug 26, 2009 26548
57 [invited seminar] Prof. Manki Min (South Dakota State Univ.)'s talk (06/30/2009) Aug 26, 2009 39468
56 Prof. Lee was offered for an appointment as an Adjunct Professor at the State University of New York, USA from 2009 to 2011. (04/2009) May 11, 2009 37330
55 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2010. (03/2009) Mar 30, 2009 33720
54 Prof. Lee will serve as Head of WCU Future Network Optimization Technology (FNOT) Center (03/2009) Mar 10, 2009 26064
53 Our NetLab is awarded "KOSEF World Class University (WCU) Program Grant" for term 2008 - 2013. (11/2008) Nov 10, 2008 25930
52 [invited seminar] Dr. Kyung-Joon Park (UIUC)'s talk (10/25/2008) Oct 25, 2008 30814
51 W. Lee and J. Yu won the grand prize at the 4th RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2008) Oct 17, 2008 26441
50 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2009. (09/2008) Sep 29, 2008 27415
» Recruiting M.S. and Ph.D. Course Students (supported by Samsung) Aug 21, 2008 43602
48 J. Yu's paper and J. Kim's one have been accepted to ACM MobiCom'2008 Poster Session. (08/2008) Aug 16, 2008 26500
47 Our NetLab is awarded "KRF Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (07/2008) Jul 17, 2008 26565
46 Our NetLab is awarded "IITA Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (06/2008) Jul 17, 2008 26674