Articles 125

Title: "Power Optimal Multicasting in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks"
Speaker: Prof. Manki Kim (South Dakota State Univ.)
Date: 6. 30 (Tue) 2:00pm

Wireless ad hoc network에서 transmitting power를 최소화하는 multicasting에 대한 연구를 소개한다. 문제의 수학적 정의를 소개하고 integer programming에 기반한 최적화 알고리즘 및 휴리스틱 알고리즘을 비교 분석한다. 이들 결과로부터 최적해의 새로운 특성을 도출하며 이를 응용한 새로운 기법에 대한 가능성을 소개한다.

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55 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2010. (03/2009) Mar 30, 2009 33720
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52 [invited seminar] Dr. Kyung-Joon Park (UIUC)'s talk (10/25/2008) Oct 25, 2008 30814
51 W. Lee and J. Yu won the grand prize at the 4th RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2008) Oct 17, 2008 26441
50 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2009. (09/2008) Sep 29, 2008 27415
49 Recruiting M.S. and Ph.D. Course Students (supported by Samsung) Aug 21, 2008 43602
48 J. Yu's paper and J. Kim's one have been accepted to ACM MobiCom'2008 Poster Session. (08/2008) Aug 16, 2008 26500
47 Our NetLab is awarded "KRF Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (07/2008) Jul 17, 2008 26565
46 Our NetLab is awarded "IITA Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (06/2008) Jul 17, 2008 26674