[invited seminar] Dr. Kyungtae Kang (UIUC)'s talk (05/04/2010)
[invited seminar] Dr. Kyunghan Lee (KAIST)'s talk (03/31/2010)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2011. (03/2010)
W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICDCS'2010. (02/2010)
J. Yu won the Bronze prize at the 16th Samsung Humantech Thesis Prize. (02/2010)
[invited seminar] Prof. Hyuk Lim (GIST)'s talk (11/26/2009)
J. Yu's paper has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM'2010. (11/2009)
[invited seminar] Prof. Ding-Zhu Du (UT Dallas)'s distinguished lecture (08/13/2009)
[invited seminar] Prof. Manki Min (South Dakota State Univ.)'s talk (06/30/2009)
Prof. Lee was offered for an appointment as an Adjunct Professor at the State University of New York, USA from 2009 to 2011. (04/2009)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2010. (03/2009)
Prof. Lee will serve as Head of WCU Future Network Optimization Technology (FNOT) Center (03/2009)
Our NetLab is awarded "KOSEF World Class University (WCU) Program Grant" for term 2008 - 2013. (11/2008)
[invited seminar] Dr. Kyung-Joon Park (UIUC)'s talk (10/25/2008)
W. Lee and J. Yu won the grand prize at the 4th RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2008)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2009. (09/2008)
Recruiting M.S. and Ph.D. Course Students (supported by Samsung)
J. Yu's paper and J. Kim's one have been accepted to ACM MobiCom'2008 Poster Session. (08/2008)
Our NetLab is awarded "KRF Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (07/2008)
Our NetLab is awarded "IITA Grant" for term 2008 - 2011. (06/2008)