W. Lee's paper has been published to IEEE TMC. (07/2012)
Prof. Lee has been invited to join the Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal (05/2012)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve as an Associate Editor of JCN (04/2012)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2013. (03/2012)
We have two papers been accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2012 (11/2011).
Prof. Lee received Gaheon Academic Award from KIISE (11/2011)
J. Yu's paper has been accepted to IEEE JSAC. (08/2011)
Prof. Lee received Granite Tower ("Seok-Tap") Best Teaching Award. (05/2011)
W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE TMC. (05/2011)
Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2012. (03/2011)
W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE/ACM TON. (01/2011)
Our WCU FNOT Center (Director: Prof. W. Lee) has been awarded as one of top 10% (7 out of 70) at the WCU mid-term evaluation.
W. Lee's papers have been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM'2011. (11/2010)
W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE TPDS. (10/2010)
[invited seminar] Prof. Ji-Hoon Yun (KIT)'s talk (10/22/2010)
FNC and CEWIT have signed a MOU. (10/2010)
[invited seminar] Prof. Yoonkyoo Kang (Korea Univ.)'s talk (10/05/2010)
[invited seminar] Prof. Gyungho Lee (Korea Univ.)'s talk (08/24/2010)
S. Kim's paper has been accepted to ACM MobiCom'2010 Poster Session. (08/2010)
[Short Course] FNC/WCU-FNOT Short Course, 07/27-07/28 (2010/07)