Articles 125
Title: Comprehending the Effects of Carrier Sensing on Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks
Speaker: Sung-Ju Lee (HP Lab)
Date: 12. 21 (Fri) 1:30pm

In wireless networks where communications are made over a shared medium, interference is the main obstacle in providing high capacity. In multi-hop networks such as wireless mesh networks, due to the hidden terminal problem, limiting the effects of interference is a key in achieving high performance... We study interference by investigating its relation with carrier sensing. We analyze their relation over two wireless links and measure the impact of these relations on link capacity using our wireless network testbed. We show that asymmetric carrier sensing and/or interference relations occur frequently and investigate their impact on the performance degradation and unfairness in channel access. We then propose RBP (RSS Based Prediction) algorithm that predicts the goodput of each wireless link pair in the network. With a measurement overhead that increases only linearly with the number of wireless nodes, RBP estimates the flow goodputs based on the carrier sensing/interference relation between the flows. The accuracy of RBP is evaluated on our  802.11a wireless mesh network testbed.

Sung-Ju Lee is a senior research scientist at the Mobile & Media Systems Lab (MMSL) of HP Labs. S.-J. received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) . S.-J. published over 60 papers in the field of computer networks. He serves as a technical program committee member of various prestigious networking related conferences. He is on the steering committee of IEEE SECON and ACM WMASH. He is a senior member of IEEE and a  senior member of ACM. His research interests include computer networks, mobile networking and computing, wireless mesh and ad hoc networks, wireless LANs, overlay networks, media over networks, and large scale service infrastructure networks.
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List of Articles
No. Subject Date Views
45 Prof. Lee received the Best Paper Award in the ICOIN'2008. (01/2008) Mar 10, 2008 48521
44 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2009. (03/2008) Mar 02, 2008 31438
43 K. Kong's paper has been accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. (01/2008) Jan 26, 2008 30206
42 Recruiting Contract Professors and Post-Doctors (supported by BK21) Jan 22, 2008 26307
41 BK 연구교수 및 박사후 연구원 (Post-Doc.) 모집 Jan 22, 2008 26508
40 [invited seminar] Prof. Suh, K.-W. (Illinois State U)'s talk (12/26/2007) Dec 31, 2007 26386
» [invited seminar] Dr. Sung-Ju Lee (HP Labs, USA)'s talk (12/21/2007) Dec 23, 2007 26011
38 [invited seminar] Prof. Hwang, H.-Y. (Hansung U)'s talk (11/01/2007) Dec 03, 2007 41570
37 [invited seminar] Prof. Yeom, Ikjun (KAIST)'s talk (10/26/2007) Oct 31, 2007 25990
36 W. Lee and J. Kim won the grand prize at the 3rd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2007) Oct 17, 2007 25994
35 D. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE Communications Letters. (10/2007) Oct 09, 2007 26513
34 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of the ACM MobiHoc'2008. (09/2007) Sep 12, 2007 26163
33 [invited seminar] Prof. Dongsoo Kim (Indiana U)'s talk (07/23/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26555
32 [invited seminar] Dr. Prasant Mohapatra (UC Davis)'s talk (07/21/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26219
31 Prof. Lee will serve as Publicity Chair in ICOIN'2008. (06/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26251
30 Our NetLab is awarded "KOSEF Grant" for term 2007 - 2010. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26172
29 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2008. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26363
28 K. Kim's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICCCN'2007. (05/2007) Jul 30, 2007 25916
27 Prof. Lee will serve as General Chair in CoNET'2007. (04/2007) Jul 30, 2007 26174
26 J. Kim and J. Choi won the grand prize at the 2nd RFID/USN research paper contest (Second Prize Winners). (10/2006) Jul 30, 2007 26243