Articles 125

 FNC/WCU-FNOT Short Course, 07/27-07/28


7/26 (Mon)  1pm, Hana Square Conference Room
        Cyber-Physical Systems: Introduction and Challenges, KAIST 전산학과 신인식 교수

A cyber-physical system (CPS) is an emerging engineering discipline that represents a vision of future systems in which computation and control are closely coupled with physical and engineered components of systems, and networked at every scale, to advance system capabilities and performance. A diverse range of future CPS applications includes automotive, avionics, automation, medical and health, military, and critical infrastructures. CPS is now facing various challenges to their success. For example, CPS envisions a huge-scale network of heterogeneous physical devices, and it entails a scalable design methodology. This paper will introduce CPS and present some challenges.


7/27 (Tue) 1pm, Room 114, CJ Food Safety hall (CJ 식품안전관)
        Virtualization and Overlay Network, 연세대학교 EE 박성용 교수
최근 가상화 (Virtualization) 및 오버레이 네트워크 (Overlay Network)에 대한 관심이 증폭되고 있다. 미국의 미래인터넷 연구를 이끄는David Clark 교수가 발언했듯이, 혁신적인 미래 네트워크는 기존의 인프라를 기반으로 그 위에 새로운 기능을 제공하는 오버레이 네트워크의 형태로 나타난다. 본 강연에서는 라우터의 제어 및 전송평면 가상화를 통한 가상 라우터의 구조를 알아보고, 가상 라우터를 이용해 기존의 인프라 위에서 오버레이 네트워크의 구축하는 방법론에 대해 알아본다.

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No. Subject Date Views
85 W. Lee's paper has been published to IEEE TMC. (07/2012) Jul 05, 2012 28391
84 Prof. Lee has been invited to join the Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal (05/2012) May 23, 2012 23842
83 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve as an Associate Editor of JCN (04/2012) May 23, 2012 20535
82 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2013. (03/2012) Mar 01, 2012 54323
81 We have two papers been accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2012 (11/2011). Jan 05, 2012 51266
80 Prof. Lee received Gaheon Academic Award from KIISE (11/2011) Nov 27, 2011 66708
79 J. Yu's paper has been accepted to IEEE JSAC. (08/2011) Aug 30, 2011 33035
78 Prof. Lee received Granite Tower ("Seok-Tap") Best Teaching Award. (05/2011) Aug 13, 2011 31597
77 W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE TMC. (05/2011) May 23, 2011 32608
76 Prof. Lee has been invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM'2012. (03/2011) Mar 11, 2011 43299
75 W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE/ACM TON. (01/2011) Jan 16, 2011 27597
74 Our WCU FNOT Center (Director: Prof. W. Lee) has been awarded as one of top 10% (7 out of 70) at the WCU mid-term evaluation. Jan 06, 2011 43356
73 W. Lee's papers have been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM'2011. (11/2010) Nov 24, 2010 32851
72 W. Lee's paper has been accepted to IEEE TPDS. (10/2010) Oct 27, 2010 27142
71 [invited seminar] Prof. Ji-Hoon Yun (KIT)'s talk (10/22/2010) Oct 22, 2010 26139
70 FNC and CEWIT have signed a MOU. (10/2010) Oct 20, 2010 27538
69 [invited seminar] Prof. Yoonkyoo Kang (Korea Univ.)'s talk (10/05/2010) Oct 20, 2010 25137
68 [invited seminar] Prof. Gyungho Lee (Korea Univ.)'s talk (08/24/2010) Aug 27, 2010 26107
67 S. Kim's paper has been accepted to ACM MobiCom'2010 Poster Session. (08/2010) Aug 05, 2010 33599
» [Short Course] FNC/WCU-FNOT Short Course, 07/27-07/28 (2010/07) Aug 05, 2010 40640